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Tensar InterAx Geogrids

A geosynthetic is a synthetic product, usually made from or including polymeric materials, that are used to solve civil and geotechnical engineering problems in or on the ground. Geosynthetics add to or enhance the functions of conventional materials to make construction more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable. Designs using geosynthetics should be based on the function(s) of the selected materials to meet the engineering objective(s). Geogrids were invented by Tensar in the late 1970s and are a category of geosynthetic material that can be used to provide the functions of reinforcement, stabilization, and filtration.

InterAx™ geogrid combines coextrusion and advanced material science with an optimized geometry to dramatically improve soil interaction and trafficking performance. It provides greater value vs. TriAx® geogrid and other available technologies. InterAx geogrid also drives superior performance across a broader range and quality of aggregate types and gradations, giving you more flexibility in your aggregate choice.

Tensar's InterAx geogrid is fully compatible with their easy-to-use, award-winning design software, Tensar+. Tensar+ saves you time and effort, while ensuring your designs are reliable and deliver the expected results. Stabilizing a subgrade, passing a proofroll, or designing an unpaved road is easier than ever. Using the enhanced subgrade stabilization method only available in Tensar+, you can design for a broader range of traffic and performance, to better reflect the actual jobsite conditions. This results in a solution that you can count on working the first time.

