Tensar Biaxial (BX) Geogrids
A geosynthetic is a synthetic product, usually made from or including polymeric materials, that are used to solve civil and geotechnical engineering problems in or on the ground. Geosynthetics add to or enhance the functions of conventional materials to make construction more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable. Designs using geosynthetics should be based on the function(s) of the selected materials to meet the engineering objective(s). Geogrids were invented by Tensar in the late 1970s and are a category of geosynthetic material that can be used to provide the functions of reinforcement, stabilization, and filtration.
Biaxial (BX) geogrid is Tensar's original geogrid invention. This geogrid changed the game when it was first introduced for soil stabilization back in the 1980s. Since then, Tensar BX geogrids have been used for mechanical ground stabilization in over half a million projects worldwide.
Although this is the lowest initial cost geogrid, it's not considered the highest performer, and other geogrids can better decrease the overall cost of a project. With decades of research, Tensar has evolved their technology to create more advanced geogrids, like InterAx™ geogrid. InterAx geogrid offers exponentially improved performance, further reduces required aggregate, and delivers longer service life and greater cost savings.
- paved roads
- construction haul roads
- foundation reinforcement
- working platforms on weak sub-grades
- secondary reinforcement for soil retaining structures
- Geotextiles
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles N-Series & X-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles S-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles FW-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles HP-Series & PET-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Sediment Control & Construction Site BMPs
- Silt Fence
- Straw Wattles
- Floating & Staked Turbidity Barriers
- Applied Polymer Systems Polyacrylamides (PAM)
- Applied Polymer Systems Floc Logs
- Link Manifold System
- Floc Pit System
- Hach Portable Turbidimeter
- Dewatering Bags
- Curb Inlet Protection
- Drop Inlet Protection
- Sand, Sand-Cement & Rock Bags
- Rattle Grate Trackout Control
- FODS Trackout Control Mat
- Outpak Universal Portable Washout
- Erosion Control
- Hydroseeding Mulches
- North American Green Biodegradable Blankets
- North American Green Temporary Erosion Control Blankets
- North American Green Permanent Turf Reinforcement Mattings
- InstaTurf High Performance Erosion Control Mats
- Presto Geosystems Perforated GEOWEB
- Flexamat Concrete Mat Systems
- ARMORFORM Fabric-Formed Concrete Revetment Systems
- Maccaferri Reno Mattresses
- Tencate Geotubes for Shoreline Protection
- Geotextile Tubes for Lake Embankment
- Silt Fence
- Bioengineering Solutions
- Subgrade Stabilization & Load Support
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- Tensar Biaxial (BX) Geogrids
- Tensar TriAx (TX) Geogrids
- Tensar InterAx (NX) Geogrids
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Presto Geosystems GEOWEB for Load Support
- Presto GEOPAVE
- Presto Geosystems GEOBLOCK & GEOBLOCK5150
- Soil Retention Drivable Grass
- EcoBlock (EB) Recycled Plastic Turf Block
- FODS Trackout Control System
- AGES Mud Mats
- Mud Control Grids
- Slope Reinforcement & Retaining Walls
- Drainage & Stormwater