TenCate Geotubes for Dewatering Technology
A low cost, high volume dewatering solution, Geotube® dewatering technology has become the dewatering method of choice for organizations around the world. Geotube® dewatering technology is used for projects large and small, and there is good reason -- simplicity and low cost. There are no belts, gears, or complicated mechanics. Geotube® containers are constructed of high-strength, permeable, specially engineered textiles designed for containment and dewatering of high moisture content sludge and sediment. They are available in a variety of sizes, depending on your volume and space requirements. Geotube® systems can even be mounted in mobile roll-off containers that can be transported around your property as necessary. It's one of the most versatile dewatering technologies available; one of the most effective. Volume reduction can be as much as 90%, with high solid levels that make removal and disposal easy. Our dewatering technology also allows for profitable recovery of valuable solids.
Dewatering Overview
Millions of gallons of sludge have been pumped into Geotube® containers for containment and dewatering of industrial waste, municipal sludge, and hazardous contaminated sediments. Paper mills, chemical companies, industrial plants, and nuclear power plants are just a few of the clients that have benefited from Geotube® dewatering technology. Geotube® dewatering technology is the low cost, high volume dewatering solution. The dewatering process is simple and effective.
- custom fabricated with seaming techniques that withstand pressure during pumping operations
- high flow rate allows residual materials to dewater, while containing solids
- TenCate™ pioneered the dewatering technology
- years were spent perfecting the technology and several patents are held
- with TenCate’s™ vertically integrated manufacturing approach, they control all aspects of product quality
- all of their facilities are ISO-9001-2000 certified
- TenCate’s™ testing laboratories are the only A2LA and GRI-LAP certified labs within the geotextile industry, and they are re-certified yearly
- Geotube® systems have been in place since 1962 and over 2,000 dewatering projects have used Geotube® units
- TenCate™ has partnered with federal agencies to develop and advance the technology
- effective high volume containment
- efficient dewatering and volume reduction
- cost-effective
- no special equipment required
- Geotextiles
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles N-Series & X-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles S-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles FW-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles HP-Series & PET-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Sediment Control & Construction Site BMPs
- Silt Fence
- Straw Wattles
- Floating & Staked Turbidity Barriers
- Applied Polymer Systems Polyacrylamides (PAM)
- Applied Polymer Systems Floc Logs
- Link Manifold System
- Floc Pit System
- Hach Portable Turbidimeter
- Dewatering Bags
- Curb Inlet Protection
- Drop Inlet Protection
- Sand, Sand-Cement & Rock Bags
- Rattle Grate Trackout Control
- FODS Trackout Control Mat
- Outpak Universal Portable Washout
- Erosion Control
- Hydroseeding Mulches
- North American Green Biodegradable Blankets
- North American Green Temporary Erosion Control Blankets
- North American Green Permanent Turf Reinforcement Mattings
- InstaTurf High Performance Erosion Control Mats
- Presto Geosystems Perforated GEOWEB
- Flexamat Concrete Mat Systems
- ARMORFORM Fabric-Formed Concrete Revetment Systems
- Maccaferri Reno Mattresses
- Tencate Geotubes for Shoreline Protection
- Geotextile Tubes for Lake Embankment
- Silt Fence
- Bioengineering Solutions
- Subgrade Stabilization & Load Support
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- Tensar Biaxial (BX) Geogrids
- Tensar TriAx (TX) Geogrids
- Tensar InterAx (NX) Geogrids
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Presto Geosystems GEOWEB for Load Support
- Presto GEOPAVE
- Presto Geosystems GEOBLOCK & GEOBLOCK5150
- Soil Retention Drivable Grass
- EcoBlock (EB) Recycled Plastic Turf Block
- FODS Trackout Control System
- AGES Mud Mats
- Mud Control Grids
- Slope Reinforcement & Retaining Walls
- Drainage & Stormwater