Brentwood StormTank™
Underground Stormwater Storage Systems
Brentwood's StormTank Modules for Stormwater Storage are rugged and lightweight, offering up to the largest void space of any subsurface stormwater storage unit currently on the market. The modules are simple to assemble and install, easy to clean, and their stackable design allows them to manage large volumes of water. The StormTank system has been extensively tested and demonstrates strength that exceeds current industry standards. Aside from being strong and efficient, StormTank also protects the environment and increases developable space.
- Rated for utilization under most surface covers including impervious and vegetated areas
- Designed to exceed HS-25 Load Rating
- Modules can be built on site in less than 2 minutes with no special equipment, tools, or bonding agents
- Stackability and variable column heights accommodate tight site constraints
- Open module design includes no internal walls or partitions, allowing for easy inspection and cleaning
- Available in 18-, 24-, 30-, 33-, and 36-inch heights
Detention-Typically installed with an impermeable liner to prevent infiltration, these basins are designed to provide large volume storage while restricting the discharge rate.
Infiltration-Designed to allow for water percolation into the surrounding soils, these basins recharge groundwater aquifers by relying on the porosity of the native soil.
Rainwater Harvesting-These basins utilize an impermeable liner to detain runoff and a pump to circulate the stored runoff, thereby reducing demand on the potable water supply and improving sustainability.
Flood Mitigation-By providing the necessary storage to allow for utilization of previously inaccessible land, these basins compensate for areas that lack or require additional capacity.
Bioretention-Designed to promote water quality, these basins provide a small amount of above-ground storage, a permeable layer of amended soil, and a subsurface system for additional storage or infiltration.
Inlet/Outlet Connections-Stormwater runoff must be able to move readily in and out of the StormTank system. To provide an easy connection to your drainage system, Brentwood manufactures two influent/effluent port sizes: a 12-inch (305 mm) port and a 14-inch (356 mm) port.
Observation Ports-Brentwood offers three observation port sizes to complement the open design by providing access and ventilation. The ports are constructed of PVC and are available in 6-inch (152 mm), 8-inch (203 mm), and 10-inch (254 mm) diameters. The 10-inch port allows for access with a vacuum truck hose to facilitate debris removal.
Observation and Saddle Port Kits-In an effort to simplify the installation process, Brentwood offers kits that include the necessary port, flexible coupling or tap saddle, and surface box, with the contractor only responsible for the riser pipe.
- Geotextiles
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles N-Series & X-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles S-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles FW-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles HP-Series & PET-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Sediment Control & Construction Site BMPs
- Silt Fence
- Straw Wattles
- Floating & Staked Turbidity Barriers
- Applied Polymer Systems Polyacrylamides (PAM)
- Applied Polymer Systems Floc Logs
- Link Manifold System
- Floc Pit System
- Hach Portable Turbidimeter
- Dewatering Bags
- Curb Inlet Protection
- Drop Inlet Protection
- Sand, Sand-Cement & Rock Bags
- Rattle Grate Trackout Control
- FODS Trackout Control Mat
- Outpak Universal Portable Washout
- Erosion Control
- Hydroseeding Mulches
- North American Green Biodegradable Blankets
- North American Green Temporary Erosion Control Blankets
- North American Green Permanent Turf Reinforcement Mattings
- InstaTurf High Performance Erosion Control Mats
- Presto Geosystems Perforated GEOWEB
- Flexamat Concrete Mat Systems
- ARMORFORM Fabric-Formed Concrete Revetment Systems
- Maccaferri Reno Mattresses
- Tencate Geotubes for Shoreline Protection
- Geotextile Tubes for Lake Embankment
- Silt Fence
- Bioengineering Solutions
- Subgrade Stabilization & Load Support
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- Tensar Biaxial (BX) Geogrids
- Tensar TriAx (TX) Geogrids
- Tensar InterAx (NX) Geogrids
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Presto Geosystems GEOWEB for Load Support
- Presto GEOPAVE
- Presto Geosystems GEOBLOCK & GEOBLOCK5150
- Soil Retention Drivable Grass
- EcoBlock (EB) Recycled Plastic Turf Block
- FODS Trackout Control System
- AGES Mud Mats
- Mud Control Grids
- Slope Reinforcement & Retaining Walls
- Drainage & Stormwater
StormTank Brochure
StormTank Volume Calculator
Module Cut Sheet (Southeast Region)
18" Module Specification Sheet
24" Module Specification Sheet
30" Module Specification Sheet
33" Module Specification Sheet
36" Module Specification Sheet
Module CSI Specification Sheet
Module Design Guidelines
Module Installation Guidelines
Module Information & Installation Videos
Module Operation & Maintenance Guidelines
Module Debris Row
Module Compared to Arch Systems
Module Compared to Stone Systems
Module 20-Year Limited Warranty
Influent/Effluent Ports Specification Sheet
Observation Ports Specification Sheet
Observation Port Kits Specification Sheet
Saddle Port Kits Specification Sheet
Pack Cut Sheet
Pack Bioretention Applications
Pack Installation Guidelines
Pack Operation & Maintenance Guidelines
Pack 1-Year Limited Warranty
Shield Cut Sheet
Shield Specification Sheet
Shield CSI Specification Sheet
Shield Design Guidelines
Shield Installation Guidelines
Shield Maintenance Guidelines