Soil Retention Drivable Grass
Drivable Grass® is a permeable, flexible and plantable concrete pavement system. This product is made of wet cast, low moisture absorption concrete. Drivable Grass® is cast with holes to allow for infiltration and root penetration. A cast-inside engineered polymer grid allows Drivable Grass® to flex and conform to irregular ground surface contours along pre-defined linear grooves, while providing the intended structural support needed for daily use. Drivable Grass® maintains its load supporting characteristics even when saturated. The design also eliminates sharp edges common in other products, and won't crack and break like rigid concrete or pop up like plastic. Drivable Grass® offers a simple and reliable solution to stormwater management through biofiltration, infiltration, and storage without losing valuable site area. With the use of Drivable Grass®, storm drains, hydrodynamic separators, filtration devices, and detention basins can be reduced or eliminated. Drivable Grass® also counts for required green space, allowing for more usable land while reducing heat island effect.
This thin profile, permeable, and flexible concrete paving mat promotes superior root penetration and moisture containment beneath the product resulting in healthy turf. Unlike other products with cellular plantings in void spaces within the pavement field, Drivable Grass® develops a continuous root system below the mats, promoting healthy turf while minimizing moisture evaporation. Also, the geometry of the product limits infill and root compaction by concentrating the load on the concrete pads instead of large void spaces.
Drivable Grass® is a new generation of environmentally friendly products that can save project costs and limit the impact of our built environment. Drivable Grass® can be used in place of poured concrete and asphalt for a wide variety of applications. In addition to driveways and parking stalls, other applications include emergency and service vehicle access lanes, RV parking, and bioswale protection, just to name a few. Drivable Grass® has also been tested for hydraulic performance in drainage channels. Its unique properties provide opportunity for a diverse range of uses. Whether your project is a residential driveway or a stadium parking lot that doubles as a storm water bioretention basin, Drivable Grass® is the best solution to your permeable pavement design needs.
- Low Impact Development (LID) - Drivable Grass® provides opportunities for storm water containment, bio-filtration, infiltration and storage.
- Best Management Practice (BMP) - Long term effective solutions such as armored bio-swales and rain gardens.
- Durability - Drivable Grass® has a concrete compressive strength of 5,000 psi and low water absorption that limits wear and cracking.
- Strength - Proven, real-life testing for extreme loading, not carefully crafted lab tests – Refer to our third-party reports.
- Flexibility Without Memory - Reinforcing grid and grooves in Drivable Grass® give it the ability to conform to uneven contours.
- Bio-Filtration - Insects and micro-organisms within the grass infill help to significantly break down pollutants in stormwater.
- Permeability - Reduces site runoff, promoting ground water recharge and onsite storage.
- Root Penetration - Drivable Grass® enables superior root penetration into the underlying bedding course, establishing a cohesive root zone below the mats.
- Lower Runoff Coefficient “C” - Helps to reduce storm drain and inlet size.
- Reduction in Heat Island Effect - Light color and grass surface reflects solar radiation helping to reduce regional heat gain.
- Less Excavation - Requires less removal of sub-base than traditional pavers or thick blocks.
- Quick & Easy Installation - Installs in half the time of conventional pavers. Flexibility and design of the product offers significantly more forgiving placement compared to large rigid blocks.
- gain more usable land
- more permeable than native soil
- eliminate stormwater runoff
- reduce heat island effect
- lower run-off coefficient
- biofiltration
- water storage
- groundwater recharge
- eliminate detention basins
- fire lanes
- green parking
- utility access areas
- driveways
- golf cart paths
- boat ramps
- drainage swales
- pathways
- bioswales
- green roofs
- stormwater BMPs
- drainage canals
- slope armor
- maintenance yards
- RV parks
- trickle channels
- stream bank installation
- culvert outlets
- plastic grid replacement
Soil Retention Drivable Turf®
The pre-cut Drivable Turf® has become a popular infill option in addition to grass seed, decomposed granite, and natural vegetation. In combination with the Drivable Grass®, the easy-to-install artificial turf instantly provides an aesthetically-pleasing, green grass look.
- Geotextiles
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles N-Series & X-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles S-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles FW-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles HP-Series & PET-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Sediment Control & Construction Site BMPs
- Silt Fence
- Straw Wattles
- Floating & Staked Turbidity Barriers
- Applied Polymer Systems Polyacrylamides (PAM)
- Applied Polymer Systems Floc Logs
- Link Manifold System
- Floc Pit System
- Hach Portable Turbidimeter
- Dewatering Bags
- Curb Inlet Protection
- Drop Inlet Protection
- Sand, Sand-Cement & Rock Bags
- Rattle Grate Trackout Control
- FODS Trackout Control Mat
- Outpak Universal Portable Washout
- Erosion Control
- Hydroseeding Mulches
- North American Green Biodegradable Blankets
- North American Green Temporary Erosion Control Blankets
- North American Green Permanent Turf Reinforcement Mattings
- InstaTurf High Performance Erosion Control Mats
- Presto Geosystems Perforated GEOWEB
- Flexamat Concrete Mat Systems
- ARMORFORM Fabric-Formed Concrete Revetment Systems
- Maccaferri Reno Mattresses
- Tencate Geotubes for Shoreline Protection
- Geotextile Tubes for Lake Embankment
- Silt Fence
- Bioengineering Solutions
- Subgrade Stabilization & Load Support
- TenCate Mirafi Geotextiles RSi-Series & H2Ri-Series
- Tensar Biaxial (BX) Geogrids
- Tensar TriAx (TX) Geogrids
- Tensar InterAx (NX) Geogrids
- TenCate Mirafi Geosynthetics MPV, MPG (PGM-G), and MPG4 (PGM-G4) Paving Fabrics
- Presto Geosystems GEOWEB for Load Support
- Presto GEOPAVE
- Presto Geosystems GEOBLOCK & GEOBLOCK5150
- Soil Retention Drivable Grass
- EcoBlock (EB) Recycled Plastic Turf Block
- FODS Trackout Control System
- AGES Mud Mats
- Mud Control Grids
- Slope Reinforcement & Retaining Walls
- Drainage & Stormwater